Computer Instructions

1. Open Adobe XD.

2. Create a custom artboard with the size 1500px by 1500px.

3. Select the Rectangle tool.

4. Create a 750px by 750px square.

5. Set this square's fill to Hex color: #15FF02.

6. Uncheck the border box.

7. Drag this square so that it snaps to the top left corner.

8. Create a 750px by 750px square.

9. Set this square's fill to Hex color: #FF0000.

10. Uncheck the border box.

11. Drag this square so that it snaps to the top right corner.

12. Create a 750px by 750px square.

13. Set this square's fill to Hex color: #001DFF.

14. Uncheck the border box.

15. Drag this square so that it snaps to the bottom left corner.

16. Create a 750px by 750px square.

17. Set this square's fill to Hex color: #FFFF00.

18. Uncheck the border box.

19. Drag this square so that it snaps to the bottom right corner.

20. Select the Ellipse tool.

21. Create a circle with a width of 620px, a height of 620px, an X coordinate of 440, and a Y coordinate of 440.

22. Set this circle's fill to Hex color: #FF00EB.

23. Set this circle's border to Hex color: #000000.

24. Set this circle's border size to 20.

25. Save your file to your computer and email it to:

Original Image


New Image
